Full moon 1722
During 1722 we will have 13 full moons where the full moon on the 28 July is closest to earth with a distance of 357 331 km (or 222 035 miles) from Earth. The Full moon on the 2 January is furthest away from Earth with a distans of 405 971 km (or 252 259 miles). The difference between the closest and furthest full moon is 48 640 km (or 30 224 miles) which is equal to 1.2 round trips around planet Earth.
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Chicago | 15:05 | 04:21 |
Dallas | 15:58 | 04:46 |
Houston | 15:57 | 04:36 |
Los Angeles | 17:24 | 06:18 |
New York | 14:11 | 03:22 |
Philadelphia | 14:17 | 03:26 |
Phoenix | 17:00 | 05:51 |
San Antonio | 16:10 | 04:49 |
San Diego | 17:22 | 06:11 |
Washington | 14:27 | 03:32 |